Sita Kotuwa, also known as Sita’s Court, is an ancient site nestled amidst the lush greenery of Sri Lanka’s Central Province. This hidden gem in Gurulupotha, Hasalaka, isn’t just a spot for history buffs; it’s a place steeped in myth and natural beauty.

Myth and history collide.

Sita Kotuwa’s name translates to “Sita’s Fortress,” hinting at its connection to the epic Ramayana. Legend says this was where Princess Sita was held captive by King Ravana. The Ramayana tells of a grand city called Lankapura once flourishing here. This city, supposedly ruled by Ravana, boasted beautiful palaces, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant wildlife—just like Gurulupotha itself! Some even believe this area housed the workshop for King Ravana’s flying machine, a giant peacock called “Vimana,” which explains the name Gurulupotha (meaning “bird parts”).

Adventure Awaits!

Reaching Sita Kotuwa is an adventure in and of itself. You’ll start at the Gurulupotha Rest House, a convenient spot to grab lunch before diving into the dense jungle. Unlike many tourist spots, there are no clear paths here. This “off-the-beaten-track” feel adds to the excitement, making you feel like a true explorer!

Finding the Site

Finding the exact location of Sita Kotuwa can be tricky. Asking for help from friendly locals familiar with the area is highly recommended. These guides can navigate the thick forest, where the dense canopy creates a unique atmosphere.

Unveiling the Ruins

After the thrilling trek, you’ll reach the ruins of Sita Kotuwa. It’s not a massive palace, but you’ll find the stone foundations of two buildings guarded by well-preserved carvings. Scattered around are pieces of history—stone slabs and pillars peeking out from the thick undergrowth. There’s even a fascinating flight of narrow steps leading deeper into the jungle—a glimpse into the paths walked by those long ago.

A Limestone Surprise

Sita Kotuwa has another secret: a limestone cave adorned with amazing stalactites and stalagmites (those cool icicle-shaped rock formations!). Though partially submerged now, this cave was once a sight to behold, as mentioned in the old “Handbook for the Ceylon Traveler.”

Planning your trip

Gurulupotha is easily accessible on the Kandy-Mahiyangana road, about 63 kilometers from Kandy. However, the trek to the ruins itself takes about two hours and can be physically demanding. So, if you have breathing problems or heart issues, it’s best to admire Sita Kotuwa through pictures.

An unforgettable experience

Sita Kotuwa in Gurulupotha is a perfect blend of history, mythology, and nature, making it a must-visit for anyone who loves these things. The challenging trek is rewarded with a glimpse into Sri Lanka’s ancient past and the breathtaking beauty of its central highlands. Whether you’re a Ramayana enthusiast or a curious adventurer, Sita Kotuwa promises an unforgettable experience.



(Cover Image Credit: Nilan Eranda)

Panchamuga Anjaneyar Kovil, situated in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is a captivating Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. The temple’s name, “Panchamuga,” translates to “five-faced,” symbolizing Lord Hanuman’s five-faced form, an embodiment of devotion, strength, knowledge, courage, and power.


Why Visit Panchamuga Anjaneyar Kovil?

A visit to Panchamuga Anjaneyar Kovil offers a unique spiritual and cultural experience. The temple stands as a testament to the rich Hindu heritage in Sri Lanka and provides a serene space for devotees and visitors alike. Whether you’re a devout follower of Hinduism or someone seeking to explore the island’s diverse religious sites, this temple holds immense significance.


Observations at the Kovil:

  1. Architectural Beauty: Marvel at the intricate architecture that adorns the temple. The vibrant colors, detailed sculptures, and symbolic representations contribute to the temple’s aesthetic appeal.
  2. Spiritual Atmosphere: Immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance as the temple resonates with prayers, chants, and the ringing of bells. The serene environment offers a peaceful retreat from the bustle of daily life.
  3. Ceremonial Practices: Depending on the time of your visit, you might witness traditional ceremonies and rituals conducted by the temple priests. These ceremonies add a cultural richness to the experience.


Ramayanaya Connection:

Panchamuga Anjaneyar Kovil holds a special place in the context of the Ramayana, the ancient Indian epic. Lord Hanuman, a prominent character in the Ramayana, played a crucial role in the rescue of Lord Rama’s wife, Sita. The temple, with its depiction of Lord Hanuman’s five-faced form, serves as a living connection to this revered narrative.


Other Valuable Facts for Visitors:

  1. Dress Code: Visitors are encouraged to dress modestly as a sign of respect to the religious significance of the site.
  2. Photography: Capture the beauty of the temple, but be mindful of any guidelines regarding photography within the sacred spaces.
  3. Festivals: If your visit coincides with Hindu festivals, such as Hanuman Jayanti, you’ll have the opportunity to witness vibrant celebrations and processions around the temple.

In conclusion, a visit to Panchamuga Anjaneyar Kovil offers not only a spiritual journey but also a chance to appreciate the cultural tapestry that defines Sri Lanka. With its architectural splendor, religious importance, and ties to ancient epics, this temple is a must-visit destination for those seeking a holistic experience in Colombo.

Located on the beautiful eastern coast of Sri Lanka, Thirukoneswaram Kovil in Trincomalee is a significant Hindu temple that showcases ancient architecture, religious devotion, and a connection to the famous Ramayana story. This sacred temple is a must-visit for both religious pilgrims and history enthusiasts exploring the enchanting island.

The temple sits atop Swami Rock, offering a breathtaking view of the Bay of Bengal. From this vantage point, visitors can witness the mesmerizing blend of the sky, sea, and land, creating an unforgettable experience.

Thirukoneswaram Kovil holds great religious value for Hindu devotees. It has a long history dating back to ancient times, mentioned in texts like the Mahabharata and the Konesar Kalvettu. Legend has it that Lord Shiva performed a mourning dance here after the death of his beloved wife Sati.

For those on a Ramayana tour, Thirukoneswaram Kovil is a must-see. According to the epic, Lord Rama and his devotee Hanuman visited Trincomalee while searching for Rama’s wife, Sita, who had been abducted by the demon king, Ravana. The temple is believed to be the spot where Lord Rama prayed to Lord Shiva for guidance and blessings before embarking on his quest to rescue Sita.

Apart from the temple, Trincomalee offers other attractions worth exploring. The pristine beaches of Nilaveli and Uppuveli are perfect for relaxation and water sports. Pigeon Island National Park, known for its colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life, is a paradise for snorkelers and scuba diving enthusiasts.

Fort Frederick, built by the Portuguese in the 17th century, is another nearby attraction. It provides a glimpse into Sri Lanka’s colonial history and offers panoramic views of the town and harbor. Additionally, the Kanniya Hot Springs, located a few kilometers away, provide natural hot water wells for a soothing and therapeutic bathing experience.

Thirukoneswaram Kovil in Trincomalee is not just a temple; it is a place where history, spirituality, and natural beauty come together. With its stunning location, religious significance, and connection to the Ramayana, it offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors. Combined with the nearby attractions, a visit to Thirukoneswaram Kovil and Trincomalee promises an unforgettable journey that will leave visitors captivated by its simplicity and charm.



(Cover Image Source: Worldwide Hindu Temples ॐ )